Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. I am currently 12 weeks along with my first child, and while I have been incredibly blessed to not suffer from much morning sickness, I can relate to almost every other symptom under the sun!
Just remember, there is always someone out there that relates and a few months from now, you'll look back and laugh at what you thought was "hard" when you're up at 3am with a screaming baby!
Enjoy these relatable posts from women who have been or are still in your shoes! 😉
When the sickness hits 🙊😷
When the cravings kick in 🍕🍔🍪🍩🍭
When you just wanna sleep 😩😭😴
When you CAN'T STOP PEEING 💧🏃🚻🚽
And when generally everything in life becomes a struggle... 🙅😰
Did you relate to every single one? I know I did!
Thank you for reading, and as always, try to spread some happiness today!
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