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Showing posts from April, 2017

How My Husband and I Spoil Each Other for $5-$10/month

My husband and I are not rich. We don't have six-figure jobs and we're still renting a two-bedroom apartment. What I'm saying is...we don't live the life of luxury (yet!) With that in mind, we have been trying to come up with creative ways to spend time with each other and spice up our date-nights without breaking the bank! I came up with an idea earlier this year that we've been trying to the last few months and we've loved it so far. We are finding creative ways to surprise each other while only spending $5! Here's how it works: Once a month, not on a specific day, we each buy one $5 scratch off ticket. (We happen to love the Crossword ones from the Colorado Lottery) The deal is, whatever is won on the scratcher has to be spent  completely  on the other person! Whether you win $5 or $500, the winnings  must be spent on the other person!  We also agreed that whatever we decided to do with the winnings had to be a  surprise .  ...